A V.I.P Breakthrough Day For Personal Transformation & Healing.
When Was The Last Time You Took A Day For You?
A Day To……
Be guided back to your true self....
Feel enough....
Be heard...
Heal your internal wounds....
Step out of the self-sabotage & reignite your true power…
Realise you’re not broken - you just needed to see the pieces of the puzzle from a different perspective…
Take action towards the life you truly desire….
“Sometimes we can’t supress our emotions any longer and need to reconnect, shift our perception internally and address our shadows. We must stop hiding from who we really are in case it’s not what the world wants to see and live in our own power.”
Do You Have An Internal Voice That Often Asks….
“When will I stop waiting to feel enough?” – as if one morning something or someone is going to complete you.
“When will I feel satisfied & fulfilled?” – maybe you then achieve what you thought would bring that satisfaction but realise once achieved it doesn’t and move onto the next thing, externally looking for gratification.
Maybe you feel like you are repeating the same thoughts, behaviours and patterns in life always ending up with the same results and burnt out. You continue fighting with anxieties, habits, and behaviours that you never seem to be able to clear.
A day of transformation & healing takes you on a journey back to who you are, reconnecting you with your true self.

Our day together will focus on:
Your Mind
To understand the stories, emotions, behavioural patterns and limiting beliefs that are playing out for you. We awaken and re-wire the neural pathways so you can truly understand how your brain works and so you get to decide how you think and make the changes you need for a more fulfilled life.
Your Physical Body
To release trauma and resistence you have gathered along your journey that can lead to illness in the body when emotions are not expresssed properly.
Your Heart & Emotions
To align you to what you truly desire, understand your values & to heal past trauma, including from inner child, mother & father wounds. Release your surpressed emotions and reconnect you back to yourself so you can truly see the magic in life again.
Your Soul & Spirituality
To renew & reconnect your belief in yourself and back in touch with your ‘gut instinct’ to truly trust yourself again. We look at your adverse life challenges & understand how they have given you strength and helped you to grow. We look at what your true purpose in life is.
“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are!”
Brené Brown
We Have To Heal Our Past To Transform Our Future
I have been where you are now, I felt lost, not worthy, unlovable and that everything happened to me, not for me.
Our feelings of unworthiness stem from our hard-wired beliefs and our version of the world that we have gained on life’s journey and usually from our childhood.
This can be as simple as someone telling you that you were always lazy as a child, which then leads us throughout life to always push harder and always prove ourselves.
Maybe you felt you had to fight for love and attention and that is now playing out in your relationships where you are not really letting that love in or entering relationships where that love is unavailable and not loving yourself.
It could be you were judged, shamed, or criticised and nothing was ever good enough, so now you must over-achieve in your career, or it has manifested itself in an emotional habit, and you have now hit a wall and need to breakthrough that barrier.
There is always wisdom in our past, and the key to moving forward into a more fulfilled future is to heal and re-frame our emotions.

What Does Reconnecting With Yourself Really Mean?
- You clear whatever it is you have chosen to ignore, and thought wasn’t impacting your everyday life.
- You get to feel enough because you know who you are.
- You get to ‘feel’ again and emotionally feel cleansed having worked through what emotional freedom means for you.
- You realise vulnerability is an option enhancing all relationships in your life, including the one with yourself.
- You define what your version of success is and know when you have reached it.
- You get to forgive yourself and release trauma from within the body and around mother, father, and inner child wounds.
- You get to re-wire your mind for success.
- You gain a toolkit to use in your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Are You Ready To Feel Lighter & More Energised?
Your Energy Is Everything!
The amount of energy that’s expended in maintaining old beliefs, emotions, conflicts, unhelpful values and thereby manifesting low self-confidence, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression, lack of results or even burn out – it is huge!
Now imagine all that negative energy being released and re-balanced by reconnecting within yourself and finding that inner peace to now move forward to live a more fulfilled life.
Is This Transformational Day For You?
Sometimes we step out of our comfort zone, and we learn things about ourselves, or our situation changes and we realise we cannot go back to living life as we knew it – in that moment is when your transformation journey starts, to finding your true self again. It isn’t always easy and it takes commitment.
I create a safe space for you to empower yourself, embody the changes you want to make and take the evolutionary step into who you want to be.
This day is for you if…
– You want to experience a rapid shift and transformation
– You want to have better relationships.
– Change how you react & respond to life.
– Change how you think.
– Change how you feel.
– Change how you see yourself in the world.
– Want to take responsibility for making a change.
– Want to be further along in life from a place of inner peace, confidence, and clarity.
Change comes from an internal shift – change your thoughts, re-frame your emotions, take control of your story and start living a life full of passion, purpose, confidence, and clarity.
So, are you ready to reconnect?

Guiding You Back To Your True Self & Potential!
Join me for a full day at my clinic in the beautiful Stratford-Upon Avon, Warwickshire, UK or I can facilitate this breakthrough day in any suitable venue close to you.
We have an initial discovery session, which is simply a chance for us to get to know each other and for me to understand your current situation and goals. You will have access to some pre-work before we meet so we are both fully prepared for our time together.
The work we do together will be based around my Reconnect – Awakened framework, and encompasses the worlds’ most powerful personal development mind techniques including Neuro-Lingustic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy. These allow us to directly work with the part of your mind that stores our emotions, memories and behaviours – the unconscious mind.
You enter the session understanding your conscious values and beliefs about yourself and we dig deeper to work on what is driving these unconsciously. We really understand the stories playing out for you and will once and for all remove the triggers, behaviours and emotions connected to these hard-wired beliefs that are leaving you feeling out of sync with life.

Through energy psychology, breathing techniques and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) ‘tapping’ we then work on self-enquiry and any mother, father and inner child wounds that need addressing. Finally, we look at a toolkit for the future to maintain your mindset and consciously put your goals into your future knowing you are now aligned to the highest version of yourself.
The healing process continues once home, and I then schedule a call for a week after our day together to re-cap and check in. Ongoing support can be provided if required.
Clients who have worked with me and experienced a transformation day have described it as ‘a life reset’!
So, what are you waiting for?
The Investment in yourself
This is a valuable opportunity to step back from the demands and autopilot of every day life and create time and space to think, talk, feel and be heard. This investment in you will support you in re-imagining your life, achieve the results and goals that you truly want.
Price for the V.I.P Breakthrough Transformation & Healing Day starts at £999.
Payment plans are available on request
Lets Chat….
If you would like to discuss your options further then please book a free 30 minute chat. This is simply a chance for us to get to know each other, for me to understand your current situation and goals and for you to decide whether I’m the right fit for you. I’ll of course explain the opportunity of being coached by me and what the end destination could look like for you. There is no obligation to make a decision on this call it really is an informal chat to get to know each other.
What Clients Are Saying….
When I came to work with Joanne I had locked away a lot of emotions, I was at breaking point internally! I have a successful corproate career & couldn’t understand why I couldn’t feel fulfilled. I had experienced a lot of trauma as a child and had locked away what had happened to me. I couldn’t see it playing out in my current life.
Working through these emotions has really changed my life and caused a massive shift to happen. I have actually changed my career and have been working with Joanne to work with my team to re-align all of our goals and values in the business!
I came to understand myself on a different level and also that others around me weren’t going to change it had to come from me & I had to forgive myself! It helped me identify the choices I have & new ways to look at life and now I can freely change all the things that were causing me unhappiness.
Thank you for working miracles!
I wasn’t sure if coaching was really for me, I had very little confidence and felt overwhelmed with life.
After our first session I felt instantly lighter and more in control of my thoughts and emotions. Joanne holds a safe space and is full of honesty, compassion & integrity for what she does.
She guided me back to myself and I overcame the parts of me that I never thought I would believe in. I came away knowing that I have the inner strength to overcome my emotions & shape my future for the better, healing trauma and negative past experiences.
I would encourage anyone to work with Joanne who has any form of anxiety, hurt or grief, this therapy will help to transform your way of thinking and to really feel at peace and live in the moment.
Having reached my 40’s and suffered with anxiety & weight issues for the majority of my life, I knew I wanted to heal my unhealthy relationship with food and get to the bottom of why this had taken over most of my life.
The emotional freedom I felt from Time Line therapy and the hypnosis tracks that Joanne supported me with between sessions were amazing. I came to learn that my realationship with food was driven by my childhood and that a lot of the anxities I had suffered around this weren’t even mine in the first place. I healed so much of myself during the three months we worked together.
I now feel peace internally and have since gone onto lose wieght and consistently keep this sustained. I am a completely different person in the best way, something everyone has noticed and commented on!
Thank you Joanne for changing my life for the better.
Why Work With Me?
I have been where you are now, I felt lost, not worthy, unlovable and that everything happened to me, not for me.
Throughout my journey I have faced many challenges that have left me searching for my true identity, and authentic self.
I looked for everything materialistic outside of myself to feel short-term satisfaction – a successful corporate career, nice car, house…….everyone thought I had the dream life! On the outside I did, on the inside I was far from fulfilled or happy. I had locked away my emotions and found myself hitting repeat on sabotaging patterns and scared to show my vulnerability and emotions. I thought that was how life was, I just needed to live with that feeling and carry on and be grateful for what I had.

One day I hit burnout, both mentally and physically, I couldn’t continue to feel the emptiness and needed to be true to myself. I also knew that if was I was to sustain meaningful relationships I needed to start with the relationship with myself and stop waiting for external gratification that ‘I am enough’, stop living in victim consciousness and show up as who I am not who I thought everyone wanted me to be. It was time to really go internally to learn who I was and how my past has shaped me, value who I am, heal my past and truly feel me again to start living authentically and feeling aligned with life again.
I tried many traditional therapies on my journey, which made significant but temporary changes, but I needed something deeper.
This is why I formed The Zen Academy, I wanted to bring together everything I have learnt and continue to learn in one coaching and therapy package. I have stood where you are now, and I want to take you on that journey to really reconnect within yourself, be guided back to you true self and awaken who you really are to create a strategy for success!
My mantra now, is that we all have wisdom in our wounds…these are the things that have challenged us, teach us who we really are and where we take our life lessons, strengths and values from. When we curiously look at what these are, and conciously start our healing journey we can transform and remove the blocks that are in our way to success.
Whether you feel like you aren’t as far along in life as you thought you would be, have what is considered the ‘dream life’ but still searching for happiness, or know there is something emotionally playing out in your life that you are ignoring – I encourage you to take a deeper look and embrace a journey of healing and understanding yourself, as it will be the best investment you have ever made!